16 PAX joined me at Foxtrot on this hot sunny afternoon!
The Thang
We started with a quick warm up including jumping jacks, through the tunnels, toy soldiers, and arm circles.
We completed two sets of 11s. I set up cones a good distance away from each other so we could have one exercise on one side and then run to the other side for the other exercise.
We started on one side, completed 1 rep, then ran to the other side for 10 reps. Back to the starting side for two reps, then to other side for 9 reps and so on. The two sides should always add to 11.
Set 1: push ups and bicep curls
When all ladies finished the first set, we took a quick water break and began set two.
Set 2: dead lifts and narrow squats.
When all ladies finished the second set, we took a quick water break and put out our mats for some ab exercises.
Deck of Cards: Abs
Hearts- Russian Twists
Spades: Leg lifts
Clubs: Box cutters
Diamonds: Sit ups
We had enough time to complete two rounds. Then Partly Cloudy lead us in a cool down and some stretching.
We ended with the COT, prayer, and announcements of upcoming FiA events! Great workout ladies!
Originally posted to FiA Nation