12/06/2021 - mill - 12 Days of Work!
AO: The Mill
When: 12/06/2021
QIC: Pilgrim
Number of Pax: 5
Number of FNGS: 1
Pax Names:
Beakers, Foster (FNG), Pilgrim, Smokey, Tazer
Four ladies joined me this morning for 12 days of work before Christmas! We are preparing for the gift wrapping, family at home, fuss and fun that the holidays bring to each of us! We received a wonderful surprise and gift today as well – Foster joined us for the first time and we hope to see her Wednesday morning again!
We shared the disclaimer and then got to work on warming up. Arm circles, Michael Phelps, imperial walkers and through the tunnels were our starting point.
The Thang:
12 days of exercises and a run/walk in between each day of work. Starting with day 1 – you completed 1 burpee and then took a lap. Day 2 – you did 2 of the listed exercise, then day 1’s exercise and then took a lap. Continued through to Day 12.
Day 1 – burpees
Day 2 – jump squats
Day 3 – big girl sit ups
Day 4 – merkins
Day 5 – bourbons
Day 6 – curtsy lunges
Day 7 – mountain climbers
Day 8 – shoulder taps
Day 9 – tricep kickbacks
Day 10 – bicep curls
Day 11 – high knees
Day 12 – Carolina dry docks
We finished all our “work” and then had a day of overtime from Day 3 back to Day 1. We walked as a group for one more lap and then circled up to learn a bit about our FNG. Juliana (I hope I spelled this correctly) was named during our COT, prayer and then a picture. Welcome Foster!