01/18/2023 - cubhouse -
AO: The Cub House
When: 01/18/2023
QIC: Choo Choo
Number of Pax: 9
Number of FNGS: 1
Pax Names:
Choo Choo, Wonder Woman, Straight Shooter, Aquamarine, Caliente, Bells, Dr. Doolitte, Rapunzel (FNG), and Hallmark
This morning was a rainy, nasty mess, but 8 PAX, including one FNG, joined me to start their morning off right!
We did a little warm-up/stretching to get the blood moving while we talked about the workout to come. Our first order of business was the Olympic event, the Hand-Release Pushups. Although they may seem easy at first (because you get like a tiny rest at the bottom – Lol!) they are not easy, especially for two minutes! But we got on with it and crushed it! Caliente was our winner with 50 of those bad-boys! Don’t forget that everyone needs to log their own total # into the Google sheet.
The rest of the workout was spent doing a Tabata – 50 sec exercise followed by 10 secs to prep for the next one. We had 7 exercises in each Round. We completed 3 Rounds, and ALMOST finished the 4th one but had to stop after the 5th exercise in that round. Here are the deets:
Workout 50 Sec with 10 Sec Rest to prep for next one
Round 1
- Squats
- Jumping Jacks
- Lunges
- Calf Raises
- Mountain Climbers
- Skaters
- Deadlifts
Run a Lap
Round 2
- Merkins
- Upright Rows
- Hammer Curls
- Flys
- Overhead Press
- Around the Worlds
- Hip Dips
Run a Lap
Round 3
- Plank
- Burpees
- Skull Crushers
- Bicep Curls
- Leg Raises
- Wall Sit
Run a Lap
Round 4
- Lateral Raises
- Tricep Kickbacks
- Jump Squats
- Inchworms
- Russian Twists
- Flutter Kicks
- Hold Chair
Run a Lap
Thank you for joining me this morning, ladies, and Welcome to our FNG, Rapunzel! Love starting my day off with all of you!