08/24/2020 - arena - 40 Minutes of Fire (in 30 minutes flat!)

AO: The Arena

When: 08/24/2020

QIC: Seinfeld


Number of Pax: 3

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Canon, Hairspray, Seinfeld


We arrived at the Arena yesterday to find that our stage was already taken – by the fiercest group of senior ladies in the land!  They were working out when we arrived and still going at it when we left and we were truly inspired to see them staying active. We trotted our little group over to the far side of the grassy area and prayed for the rain to hold off – and it did!

We did a little stretching, a little catching up, then jumped into our workout.


The thang, as it were, was a little workout I found on Pintrest called “40 Minutes of Fire!” I apologized in advance for the 25 burpees, but no need, because we smoked ’em! In fact, we finished the entire thing in about 30 minutes, so we moved on to some ab work, taking turns calling out some of our “favorite” moves.

By the time we finished the sun was shining and we were sweating! Thanks for joining me ladies 🙂


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