06/29/2023 - cubhouse - 6/29/23 – the cub house – 4 corners

AO: The Cub House

When: 06/29/2023

QIC: Bells


Number of Pax: 13

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Foster, Chocolate Chip, Hallmark, Megaphone, Coach, Chai, Shrinky Dink, Partly Cloudy, Whole Coconut, Dr Dolittle, Blackjack, Caliente, Bells


It’s a little late but a week ago, 13 ladies showed up and ran with me to do 4 corners. Well, it wasn’t shaped like a square but I had 4 cone stations set up.

We started off with some stretches of the whole body and then we got to it.

Every station had a set of written exercises. Running to each cone, we completed one exercise with 18 reps  then ran to the next one. Continue this with each cone and we completed 6 rounds.

Cone #1 with our matts

Bicycles, glute bridges, fire hydrant (each leg), Boat canoe, scissors

Cone #2

Lunge pulses (each leg), star jumps, monkey humper, calf raises,

Cone #3 with dumbbells

Around the worlds, triceps kickbacks, OHP, Dead lifts, Gun show (both arms)

Cone #4

squats, pile squat, narrow squats, sumo squat, squat hold

We had a lot of runners in the group so we blew through the rounds quickly. Started back from the top and finished on the 6th round. Ended with much needed prayers and ran off into the 4th of July festivities. Busy time for everyone!


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