07/27/2023 - mill - 7/27/2023 Love Is Kind

AO: The Mill

When: 07/27/2023

QIC: Served


Number of Pax: 3

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Jet Setter, Home Goods, Served


National Love Is Kind day with love themed music set to workout beats per min.  We did a EMOM with 2 rounds of each lower body, cardio, upper body/core.


2 rounds of 5 exercises 20 reps of each lower body

1 round of 5 exercises 15-25 reps of each cardio (except Burpees lol)

2 rounds of 8 exercises 20 reps of each upper body & core

Finished off with 15 reps of each cardio and 5 burpees!


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