05/03/2022 - rock - 8 X 8
AO: The Rock
When: 05/03/2022
QIC: Straight Shooter
Number of Pax: 6
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Kiwi Mama, Cake Rider, Rock Star, Whole Coconut, Trail Mix, Straight Shooter, 2.0 Sandbaby
TexMex was feeling a little under the weather so I said I could step in for her. She sent me the workout she had planned and I wrote it on my board and headed to the beatdown. It was a muggy evening but we soldiered through. We did some warm up stretches up and then jumped into the workout as it took the entire time.
She had 7 exercises that we did 8 reps of (sets where needed) and then took a lap.
1. Reverse lunge with bicep curls
2. Squat to overhead press
3. Weighted sumo bends (similar to weighted raggedy Ann’s)
4. Curtsy lunge with lateral raise
5. Skull crushers
6. Russian twists
7. Skaters
After 8 rounds and 8 laps, we circled up for COT, prayer, and nameorama. Thanks for showing up ladies.