05/28/2022 - foxtrot - A Little of This, A Little of That: AMRAP, Tabata, Dora

AO: Foxtrot

When: 05/28/2022

QIC: Bridesmaid


Number of Pax: 12

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Foster, Belles, Straight Shooter, Wonder Woman, Bravo, Tiny Dancer, Beakers, Chocolate Chip, Raptor, Semper Fi, Von Trapp, & Bridesmaid


There was a nice cool breeze this morning, but we could feel the humidity and the heat coming!  There were 11 amazing ladies that showed up to work up a sweat alongside me.

We started with stretching to prepare for lots of cardio. As we stretched, we focused on arms and legs.

The workout began with an AMRAP, lasting about 10 minutes. We did 10 reps of each exercise and ran a lap around the park before going to the next round. Exercises included the following:

Round 1 was LBCs, Flutterkicks, and Glute Bridges

Round 2 we did Tricep Extensions, Step-Ups, and Butt Builders (basically slow-moving and squeezing of butt muscles similar to a donkey kicks!)

Round 3 was of Mountain Climbers, Supermans, and Side Raises.

Many ladies finished all three rounds and started back at the top while others were finishing up.  We got a lot of laps in during this first part!

The second part of the workout was a Tabata. We did 30 seconds of each workout, and rested for 15 seconds in between. The list included: Russian Twists, Skaters, Hammer Curls, BGSU, Bicycles, Leg Raises, Fire Hydrants on both sides, Chest Press, and Skull Crushers.

The final part of the workout included the famous DORA. We partnered up and completed 100 Merkins, 100 Squats, 100 Bicep Curls, and 100 Lunges through teamwork! Some ladies finished ahead of others and started going through the Dora again.

As if this wasn’t enough squatting, we finished by doing the Sally Song Challenge with…SQUATS!

There was about 10 minutes left before more stretching, so each lady got to choose an exercise. We ended with a prayer focused on good health and praises, COT, coffee, and conversation.

*Special thanks goes to Semper Fi for sharing her workout with me!*


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