07/13/2023 - cubhouse - Ab Busters
AO: The Cub House
When: 07/13/2023
QIC: Shrinky Dink
Number of Pax: 7
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Bells, Caliente, Spartan, Dragonfly, Starfish, Foster, and me
Given that PC had already killed our legs at the Den on Tuesday and then Semper Fi apparently killed everyone’s arms Wednesday at the Lair, I decided we needed to kill our abs with a Bruce Lee routine and Deck of Death afterward. We warmed up with arm circles, neck rolls, TTT IC, and some stretches.
The Thang-Bruce Lee is 6 exercises, 13 reps each (it was the 13th!), 6 times through, with a lap after each time through
The exercises included – penguins, box cutters, boat canoes, rosalitas, LBCs, and Russian twists. We did take a lap after each round. We then moved onto a round and a little more of Deck of Death
first round – hearts = reverse crunches; diamonds = leg lifts; clubs = cross leg crunches both legs; spades=dead bugs
2nd round – hearts=BGSUs; diamonds= toe reaches; clubs = dollys; spades= weighted side bends
We went around the circle choosing cards from piles I had handed to each Pax. By the time 6:15 came, we were all done. Enjoy the fun pics on the slack channel!