05/12/2021 - lair - Ab-Tastic EMOM

AO: The Lair

When: 05/12/2021

QIC: Semper Fi


Number of Pax: 3

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Choo Choo, Chocolate Chip, Semper Fi


It was a dreary & drizzly morning, and I wondered how many ladies would show up.  For a few minutes I thought maybe it would be my first solo Q! But thankfully, with a couple of minutes to spare, CC #1 and CC #2 came rolling in the parking lot.

We did a quick warmup of neck & arm circles, hip rotations, leg swings, and 10 JJ’s.  Then me and the CC’s got to work!

This morning we did an EMOM.  Every minute on the minute.  Objective is to do the prescribed number of reps at the top of the minute and then rest for whatever time you have left until the next minute and exercise.  The EMOM routine I created for this morning is all ab/core exercises.  Except for the one arm exercise I threw in the middle for a small core break.  Although Chocolate Chip did not think 25 Around the worlds was much of a break!

The Thang

  1.  LBCs – 25
  2. Reverse Crunches – 25
  3. BGSU’s – 25  (These took the entire minute)
  4. In & Outs – 25
  5. Russian Twists – 25 sets
  6. Leg Raises – 25 (so did these)
  7. Around the Worlds (give the abs a break)
  8. Hip Dips  – 25
  9.  Penguins – 25 sets
  10. Halos – 25
  11. Squat to OHP w/ Rotation – 25
  12. Mountain Climbers – 25 sets

We went through the entire set of exercises and ran a parking lot lap.  Rinse and repeat the exercises.  Rain was much heavier this time so instead of the parking lot we ran to the stairs and back 2x, so that we could stay under the awning.

We had 5 min to spare so each of us took a turn and picked another exercise to do for a minute.   We then did some OYO stretching.

Finished up with COT, NOR, and picture!

You ladies truly make me better!  Don’t forget to be awesome today!



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