06/29/2021 - den - Accumulators at The Den

AO: The Den
When: 06/29/2021
QIC: Partly Cloudy
Number of Pax: 15
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Wonderland, Nottely, Forte, Spartan, Megaphone, Shrinky Dink, Straight Shooter, Semper Fi, Smooth Operator, Mater, Killa, Honey Crisp, Hallmark, Very Berry
What a big crowd at the Den today! 15 PAX lined up on the sidewalk by the school ready to work it. It was cloudy and breezy, but we were rewarded with a beautiful sky at the end of the beatdown. We warmed up with stretches and exercises in cadence: toy soldiers and through the tunnels. Then we took a lap around the parking lot, side shuffling down, and jogging across.
Once we were warm, we got started on our first accumulator. The way these work is you do the first exercise, then run a little lap. Then you do the first and second and run a little lap. Then you do the first, second, and third abs run your lap. And it keeps going!
Accumlator 1:
10 Lat Pull Downs (with weights)
20 Plié Squat Pulses
30 Back Shoulder Squeezes (with weights)
40 Inner Thigh Press (each side)
50 Skull Crushers
PAX worked at their own pace, but when they finished the accumulator, they went to the side of the building to wall sit until everyone was done. Practicing for the FiA Olympics!!
Then we did a second one. Accumulator 2:
10 Chest Press
20 Fire Hydrants (each side)
30 Carolina Dry Docks
40 Superman Squats
50 Scarecrows
Wall sit until everyone is done. Then we wrapped up with some Abs:
10 BGSUs
20 Cross Crunches (each side)
30 In and Outs
It was simple, but hard!!! Lots of soreness later. The ladies powered through even though they were tired and the reps added up. But, they finished and looked great doing it! We circled up for our COT and Name-O-Rama, then chatted until everyone scattered. Another great morning at The Den!