08/16/2021 - arena - Baseball FIAstyle

AO: The Arena

When: 08/16/2021

QIC: Hairspray


Number of Pax: 9

Number of FNGS: 2

Pax Names:

Jazz hands, suger mama, Jitters (FNG), hotwheels, tinker (FNG 2.0), cinco, step up, rook


It’s a great day for baseball! This workout is a twist on four corners that I’ve done before. Each base has a list of exercises. When you rolled the dice, you do what the number says. Each exercise is only 10 reps/sets.
Roll a

1 – go to first base

  1. Angry donkey kicks
  2. Shoulder taps
  3. Monkey humpers
  4. Mountain Climbers

2 – go to second base

  1. Bicep curls to OHP
  2. Around the world with tricep ext
  3. Deadlifts to bent over rows
  4. L-lateral raises

3 – go to third base

  1. Reverse or forward lunges
  2. Bear squats
  3. Curtsy lunges
  4. Side lunges

4 – go around the bases back to home

  1. BGS with russian twist
  2. Flutter kicks
  3. Glute bridges
  4. Reverse crunches

5 – Grand slam – Walk all the bases with a 20 pound sandbag

6 – Strike out – do five Burpee’s

We kept going until our 45 minutes are up and then we stretched, named our FNG’s, and did our COT.


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