08/10/2021 - den - Billy Madison meets LIFT

AO: The Den

When: 08/10/2021

QIC: Partly Cloudy


Number of Pax: 10

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Whole Coconut, Bourbon, Shrinky Dink, Very Berry, Ace, Spartan, Forte, Straight Shooter, Chai


Happy Birthday to our Sweet Bourbon!!  We had 10 PAX at LIFT on Tuesday!  A few ladies rolled up to The Den and didn’t know which group to join.  Ace and Chai both opted for the no run group.  It was wonderful to have them with us!  We have missed them both.
We had to move locations because of the crazy school traffic.  But, once we settled in, we warmed up with neck rolls, shoulder rolls, hip circles, and fast feet.
Then I introduced them to my old pal Billy Madison.  Normally with this workout you do 12 reps on an exercise for each grade 1-12 with a lap in between.  But the key is you start with 1st grade, run the lap, then do 1st and 2nd and run a lap.  And you continue to accumulate.  We did exactly this, but instead of running a lap, we did walking lunges around the island as our lap.
Most Billy Madison beatdowns leave PAX as high school drop outs.  We were lucky to have finished 8th grade, but got no high school credit at all!

Here is our Thang:

1st Grade – 12 Wide Hammer Curls

2nd Grade – 12 1.5 Sumo Squats

3rd Grade – 12 1 Arm Sit ups

4th Grade – 12 Lying Tricep Extensions

5th Grade – 12 Narrow Goblet Squats

6th Grade – 12 Reverse Flys

7th Grade – 12 Windmills (each side)

8th Grade – Weighted Glute Bridges

Here is where we had to stop.  We were out of time.  But, had we been able to keep going, this is what I had.

9th Grade – 12 LBCs with Feet Raised

10th Grade – Deadlifts

11th Grade – Russian Twists (sets)

12 Grade – Woodchops (sets)

We circled up and prayed hard. So many covid cases and sadness.  Then we did our COT/name-O-Rama and joined the other Den ladies for coffeteria and birthday celebrations!


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