05/10/2023 - lair - Bruce Lee is mean!

AO: The Lair

When: 05/10/2023

QIC: Semper Fi


Number of Pax: 10

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Straight Shooter, Chocolate Chip, Rosie, Aquamarine, Goldie, Wonder Woman, Caliente, Cherry Vanilla, Smooth Operator, Semper Fi


We had a beautiful crowd at the Lair on Wednesday.  9 lovely ladies joined me for a Bruce Lee beatdown. Bruce was not so nice to us.  He’s kind of a jerk!

6 ab exercises, 20 sets/reps each done for 6 rounds.  1 big lap in-between each round.  We did take a break from abs after round 3 to do a Fergie glute bridge song challenge.

Ab exercises:

  1.  Russian twists
  2. In & outs
  3. Big girl sit ups
  4. Leg lifts
  5. Penguins
  6. Crunchy frogs

The song challenge we did was the song London Bridge by Fergie.  Figure 4 glute bridges throughout the song and glute bridge pulse on the chorus.

Round 5 we shortened the reps to 10 to try to get though all the rounds.

As much as I try to like crunchy frogs, I still hate them. That is all.

Thanks for starting your day with me ladies!!!




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