07/03/2021 - grove - Christmas in July

AO: The Grove

When: 07/03/2021

QIC: Partly Cloudy


Number of Pax: 7

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Birdie, Spartan, Whole Coconut, Namaste, Straight Shooter, and Bookwork (AKA Minion)


What better way to kick off July than with a Christmas in July workout?  And we check off a Bingo Box!  So, that is exactly what we did.
We warmed up with exercises IC and stretches.  Then we got started on our 12 Days of Christmas beatdown.  This works exactly like the song.  You start with the first exercise.  Then you do the second and the first.  Then the third, second, and first.  And you keep going, accumulating exercises as you go.

The Twelve Days of Christmas in July:

1 Lap to the stop sign

2 Imperial Squat Walkers (each side)

3 Around the Clock lunges

4 IYW Supermans


6 Narwhals (Each side)

7 Zebra Kicks

8 Chest Flys

9 Windshield Wipers

10 Kiss the Baby Pushups

11 Jello Shooters

12 Venus Fly Traps

Y’all, this beatdown was a hard one!!  Those around the clock lunges really added up and got old.  We completed 40 of our 100 BGSUs for another Bingo box.  So, once we made through the 12 Days, we completed 60 more sit ups, with chest presses mixed in when we needed a break.  We were over time, but everyone was committed.  We finished up and closed with prayers and our COT.

This one will definitely come back because it was a challenge.  Perfect for an hour beatdown.  The ladies persisted and worked hard to get it done.  Enjoy your holiday weekend everyone!  Thank you for joining me.


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