09/02/2022 - rock - Circuits

AO: The Rock

When: 09/02/2022

QIC: Texmex


Number of Pax: 5

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Very Berry, Straight Shooter, Love, Rockstar


Circuits by 4

Start at station 1, complete move to station 2 complete, back to station 1, then 2 then 3 complete and back to station 1

Station 1 10 merkins

Station 2 20 fly

Station 3 30 bicep curls

Station 4 40 overhead tricep ext


Cardio circuit

10 jump rope

20  fast feet

30 curb tap

40 butt kickers


Burn out abs

10 in and outs

20 BGS

30 Russian twist sets

40 penguins


Legs circuit

10 monkey humpers

20 calf raises

30 deep squat

40 glute bridge


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