03/02/2022 - lair - Deck of Death

AO: The Lair

When: 03/02/2022

QIC: Semper Fi


Number of Pax: 12

Number of FNGS: 3

Pax Names:

Choo Choo, Smooth Operator, Aquamarine, Goldie, Straight Shooter, Spartan, Wonder Woman, Hat Trick, Semper Fi, FNG – Walker, FNG – Miss Honey, FNG – Caliente


I love mornings like today! Mornings when I wake up and don’t quite feel like putting one foot in front of the other, but leave the beatdown feeling energized and better than ever.  We had an awesome group of 12 Pax including 3 FNGs!  So many smiles, a lot of laughter, and quite a bit of mumble chatter.  🙂

We warmed up with some arm and neck circles, full body stretches, leg swings, and TTT (IC) followed a short lap.

On to the Thang ~

This morning we did a Deck of Death.  We did 4 rounds.  2 rounds of arms, 2 round of core/abs.  We ran a lap in-between each round.  Deck of cards was placed in the center.  Each pax took a turn selecting a card.  The number indicated the rep/set count.  J =11, Q = 12, K = 13, A = 15.  The suit indicated the exercise.  There were 2 Jokers.  Jokers were 1 burpee plus 10 sets of all 4 exercises.  We only pulled the joker once this morning, but this joker did not come to play!

Round 1:

Hearts – Merkins / Spades – Gun show / Diamonds – Upright rows / Clubs – Bent over chest fly

Round 2:

Hearts – BGSUs / Spades – In & outs / Diamonds -Russian twists / Clubs – Windshield wipers

Round 3:

Hearts -Tricep ext / Spades – Alligator push ups / Diamonds – Weighted scarecrows / Clubs – Bicep curls

Round 4:

Hearts -Bourbons / Spades – Woodchoppers / Diamonds – Flutterkicks / Clubs – Weighted side bends

We ended with some OYO stretching,  CoT,  and we welcomed our 3 FNGs – Walker (who is from Texas and loves to shoot),  Miss Honey (she’s a teacher and fave book is Matilda), Caliente (who loves all the foods esp if its spicy!).





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