06/08/2023 - cubhouse - Dora with a Russian Twist

AO: The Cub House

When: 06/08/2023

QIC: Partly Cloudy


Number of Pax: 10

Number of FNGS: 1

Pax Names:

Hallmark, Dr. Doolittle, Choo Choo, Spartan, Aquamarine, Coach, Chai, Straight Shooter, FNG (Shanna) Sunrise


Welcome FNG Sunrise!  Welcome back Chai!  Coach was back for another Thursday.  So many friendly faces today!  Something about summer just makes me want to do our classic workouts, like a Dora. So that is what we did today!  We warmed with stretches and an Indian run around the parking lot.  Then we partnered up and got to work.

1 PAX runs, 1 PAX completed reps, reps are cumulative for you and your partner.

50 Bicep Curl to OH Press

100 Pushups

150 Goblet Squats

200 Russian Twists with a Foot PickUp

150 Side Lunges

100 Bear Squats

50 Shoulder Taps

We did just 2 minutes of Abs before we ran out of time.  PAX could choose between AP Sit ups, Deadbugs, Leg Lifts, Side Crunches, and LBCs.

We circled up for our COT.  We named our FNG Sunrise since she is an early riser, a journaler, a runner, and a coffee lover.  Welcome Sunrise!


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