06/27/2021 - thicket - Duck, duck, BURPEE and run a lap

AO: The Thicket

When: 06/27/2021

QIC: Yellow Tulip


Number of Pax: 7

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:



Many of our ladies had arrived early for a 5k.

We started with a light warm of stretching

While one Fia sister did a burpee and ran a lap, the rest of us completed the following in order. When our Fia sister arrived back to the central location, we would then complete the next task on the list until she returned. We were able to get through our list twice, but a little extra. There was a lot of groaning 🙂 but as always, we had a great time laughing and working it out.


V-sits with arm raises

Russian Twists

Box cutters

Side planks

Plank up-downs

Donkey kicks

Rainbow kicks

Lateral leg raises in the plank position

Standing leg raises

Overhead press

Upright row

Bicep curls

Tricep kickbacks


Imperial walkers

Jumping Jacks

@switchback led us in a great cool down, complete with lots of hip stretches and supine twists. We circled up and then enjoyed some coffee and snacks.



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