09/16/2021 - foxtrot - Fall Fun

AO: Foxtrot

When: 09/16/2021

QIC: Shrinky Dink


Number of Pax: 6

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Aquamarine, Spartan, Semper Fi, Bourbon, Partly Cloudy


I thought it was time to celebrate the change in season so today I brought Fall Fun to Foxtrot. With the rain this morning, I planned for more of a stationary beatdown and we gathered under the pavilion up near the skateboard area. Semper Fi brought her large lantern and Partly Cloudy brought her small but mighty lantern so we could have some light, so thank you both! We warmed up with arm circles and other stretches while I explained what we were doing.

The Thang – For Fall Fun, I had Pax share on slack their favorite things about Fall and then I linked exercises to those things. Pax took turns drawing a slip of paper with a word on it and we would do the corresponding exercise. There were 4 exercises each for arms, legs, abs, and cardio. We went around the circle doing the exercises together and when we finished the circle, we took a lap around the bathroom and back and then drew slips of paper for the next round. Thankfully it wasn’t pouring like predicted.

Arms – 15 reps

Hoodies = hammer curls

pumpkins = push ups

Halloween = mummy raises (front raises)

cool temps = hallelujahs in cadence


Abs – 20 reps

Leaves = LBCs with a pulse

Apples = American pie sit-ups

Soups = starfish

Candy = crossleg crunch in cadence each leg


Legs – 30 reps

Mums = monkey humpers

Costumes = curtsy lunges

Firepits = figure 4 squats

Hayrides = Hillbillies in cadence



Fall drinks = Drops (10 reps)

S’Mores = star jumps (10 reps)

Boots = burpees (5 reps)

Football = fast feet in cadence

There was some mumble chatter around the circle at various times, myself included. We finished with COT and NOR. Prayers were lifted for safe travels, healing of all the things, for sanity with events coming up, and for a nice break with some down time. As always, thank you for joining me ladies!



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