05/04/2023 - rock - Four corners
AO: The Rock
When: 05/04/2023
QIC: Texmex
Number of Pax: 9
Number of FNGS: 1
Pax Names:
Love, Cookie Monster, Attagirl, Rockstar, Straight Shooter, Back in Black, Cheerio, Buttercup (FNG)
Four corners
Each corner has a different exercise and different modes of transportation to get there.
We started at 30 for each exercise for a round, then 20 and finally 10
Star jumps
High knees
Reverse crunch to straight leg toe touch
Russian twist
Around the world
Tricep kickback
Reverse bicep curl to overhead press
Calf raises
Curtsy lunges
Narrow squats
Modes of transportation:
Skip, walking, toy soldiers, grapevine, walking lunges, run, walk backwards