08/05/2021 - foxtrot - Four Corners Fun and Sally

AO: Foxtrot
When: 08/05/2021
QIC: Shrinky Dink
Number of Pax: 11
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Killa, Sweet Tea, Semper Fi, Aquamarine, Tiny Dancer, Bourbon, Partly Cloudy, Spartan, Forte, Orange Pekoe, and me Shrinky Dink
It has been a while since we did 4 Corners at Foxtrot so that seemed like a good idea. You know me and my desire to create a total body workout each time I Q, so I created 3 rounds for us to complete. With a song challenge on the Bingo Sheet this month, I planned to end with a round of Sally.
So we warmed up with some arm circles, Katie Ledeckys (I’m making the switch from Michael Phelps to honor an amazing female athlete), and TTT IC and then Toy Soldiers IC. I explained the 4 corners routine and we were off.
The Thang – I set up 4 cones in the parking lot at Foxtrot with two cones near where we usually work out and then two cones at the far end crosswalks of the 2 closest parking lanes, creating a rectangle of sorts. On each cone was a card with the exercises to do at that cone. We started our rep count at 40 and then decreased each time around the rectangle by 10 (so then down to 30, 20, and finally 10). From cone 1 to cone 2, the mode of travel was to run. From cone 2 to 3 the mode of travel changed each time around the rectangle (1st time – skip; 2nd time – side shuffle; 3rd time – grapevine; 4th time run backward). From cone 3 to cone 4, we ran, and then from cone 4 back to cone 1 we used the same thing as cone 2 to cone 3 (1st time – skip; 2nd time – side shuffle; 3rd time – grapevine; 4th time run backward). Pax were told to switch the lead leg from cone 4 to cone 1 so the effort would be balanced.
The first round was the ARM round, so on each cone was a different arm exercise. Here’s the list:
Cone 1 – hallelujahs
Cone 2 – bicep curls
Cone 3 – Around the Worlds
Cone 4 – push ups (I told the ladies they’d hit 100 by the time this round was done so they’d be caught up with the 100 pushups every Monday in August bingo box)
So we did 40 of each, then 30, then 20, then 10
Round 2 was the Leg Round:
Cone 1 – curtsy lunges (singles)
Cone 2 – single leg deadlifts (we broke the reps down evenly between each leg)
Cone 3 – crockpot squats
Cone 4 – glute bridges
Well, we didn’t get to finish Round 2’s reps of 20 and 10, which meant we also didn’t get to the Abs round either. So we shall save that for another day. My watch said we were close to a mile of distance (my watch is stupid and is always less than Partly Cloudy’s so some PAX probably had a mile on their watches). We finished the beatdown with a round of traditional Sally (i.e. squats) so that our legs hurt at least as much as our arms. That allowed for Pax to check the song challenge bingo box.
We had a minute or so left so we stretched, shared prayer requests, did NOR, and then went on with our days. It’s always amazing to be with my FiA group. Thanks for coming out and starting your day with me.