11/25/2021 - foxtrot - Foxtrot Thanksgiving

AO: Foxtrot

When: 11/25/2021

QIC: Partly Cloudy


Number of Pax: 9

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Spartan, Valkyrie, Inspector Gadget, Rise Up, Shrinky Dink, Wonder Woman, Smooth Operator, Aquamarine


Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite days of the year!  I am so thankful that for the fourth (or fifth?) year in a row, I am able to wake up early and celebrate first with my FiA sisters.  I am so thankful for each of you!

We warmed up with some stretches and Would You Rather – Thanksgiving edition, of course.  Then we went on an Indian run.  As we sprinted forward, we named something we are thankful for.  Then we got to work on our Kraken style beatdown.  We set up over by the snack shack, under the lights.  We had 10 stations set up.  Everyone picked a station, completed the exercise, then ran a full lap around the circle and stopped at the next station.

These were our stations:

Watching the Macy’s Day Parade – hold chair for 30 seconds

Put the turkey in the oven – 30 bicep curls

Time to mash the potatoes – do 50 calf raises

Get cornered by Grandpa – do 30 prisoner squats

A child is crying.  Break up the cousin quarrel.  Do 10 180 jumps.

Difficult moment with your mother in law.  Do 5 burpees.

The kids ask if they can eat chicken nuggets instead.  Do 30 chicken wings.

You burned the rolls!  Walk away slowly.  Walking lunges around the circle.

Praise God it is time to eat!  Do 40 Hallelujahs.

Pumpkin pie time!  Do 10 star jumps.

With 7-8 minutes left, we switched to abs:

10 American pie sit ups

20 Leg Lifts

30 Russian Twists

40 Flutterkicks

30 Bicycles

20 LBCs

10 Reverse Crunches

We ended with our COT, prayers for patience and gratitude and peace.  Then we enjoyed coffeteria.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!


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