03/04/2022 - hideout - Hello Spring
AO: The Hideout
When: 03/04/2022
QIC: Journey
Number of Pax: 3
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Inspector Gadget, Journey, Prada
Yay!!!! First time in months that I’ve been the Q and people showed up, lol
Honestly it was a wonderful morning being able to catch up and enjoy a workout together.
We did some stretching beforehand including arm circles, Michael Phelps and leg stretches.
This month is my anniversary month and it’s the one thing I love in Spring. So in honor of that we did 3 rounds of the exercises and 17 reps of each. Got married 3/17 ❤️
H – Hallelujahs
E – Elbow press
L – Lunges
L – LBCs
O – Oblique exercise (Russian twists)
———————- Walk ——————-
S – Squats
P – Penguins
R – Randys
I – Inch worms
N – Narwhals
G – Glute bridges
———————Walk ———————
Circled up for COT and took our picture! Thank you ladies for a wonderful morning!!