04/15/2021 - valley - If you only count to Eleven will it still hurt?
AO: valley
When: 04/15/2021
QIC: Sugar momma
Number of Pax: 3
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Ramsey, Mama Bear, Sugar Momma
If you only count to 11 will it still hurt?
YES…it absolutely will!
Three beautiful ladies showed up to the Valley this morning and proved they were more than capable of counting all the way to 11! Brains and beauty! After making sure the scary chainsaw swinging helicopter wasn’t going to finish us off today, we got down to busines!
The Thang- A series of Elevens, 2 exercises which reps total up to 11.
1 – 10, 2 – 9, 3 – 8, ….. etc…, 10 – 1
So if you do the math we really ended up doing 55 reps of each exercise.
Bourbons- Rosalitas
Donkey kicks – fire hydrants
Deadlift- reverse fly
Glute out- glute open
Hammer curls- triceps
russian twists- penguins
Squats- calf raises
supermans- reverse leg lift
Then we circled up for COT and name o Rama.