02/12/2022 - foxtrot - Keeping Warm with a Ring of Fire
AO: Foxtrot
When: 02/12/2022
QIC: Pilgrim
Number of Pax: 10
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Bridesmaid, Bulldawg, Chocolate Chip, Foster, Knottley, Love, Pilgrim, Semper Fi, Straight Shooter, Thread
Nine vibrant ladies joined me today for a Ring of Fire workout that kept us warm in the chilly air. We started with a warm up of arm circles, Michael Phelps, toy soldiers, imperial walkers and through the tunnels (in cadence).
The workout itself – there was a group exercise and then an exercise we “passed” around the ring from Pax to Pax. Once all the gals completed the individual exercise, we moved to the next duo of exercises. We had 10 ladies total, so we started the individual exercises with two PAX to keep the group exercise from tiring us too much.
Plank up downs and 10 burpees
High knees and 10 dragon lunges
Booty kicks and 10 merkins
Squat jacks and 10 bourbons
One arm jack knife – right side only and crab walk around the group
One arm jack knife – left side only and 10 inchworms (with or without pushup)
Jumping jacks and 10 crab toe touches
Skaters and 10 tricep push ups
Flutter squats and 10 Carolina dry docks
Imperial walkers and 10 mountain climbers
Iso lunge and 5 plank combos (1 push up, 2 shoulder taps and 3 mountain climbers)
Toe taps and 10 lunges
Front kick – right side only and 10 LBCs
Front kick – left side only and 10 burpees
Plank jacks and 10 shoulder taps
For those doing the burpee challenge – we did 2 more burpees to complete 22 today.
We ended with a COT, names, prayer and then coffeeteria. Thank you for joining me ladies!