09/14/2021 - arena - Lucky 13’s

AO: The Arena
When: 09/14/2021
QIC: StepUp
Number of Pax: 13
Number of FNGS: 1
Pax Names:
Hairspray, Von Trapp, Acrylic (FNG), Dunder, Pilgrim, Sugar Mama, Cinco, 2.0s: Tinker, Rook, Headlock, Summit, Book
We had 13 for my first Q on 9/13 to do Lucky 13’s!
We warmed up with arm circles, through the tunnels, and tin soldiers.
Then we did sets of 13 reps as follows:
- Bicep curls, Lunges, Bicycle crunches, Burpees
- Plank rows, Around-the Worlds, Supermans, Front kicks
- Skull crushers, Squat pulses, Leg lift crunches, Shuffles THEN RUN a Lap (or Walk)
- Overhead press, Bridges, BGS, Mountains Climbers
- Tricep extensions, Squat jumps, Planks dips, High knees
- Push ups, Cursty lunges, Russian Twists, Plank (13 x 2) THEN RUN a Lap (or Walk)
Finished up with COT and names- Welcome to Acrylic our FNG today!!
Thanks to Hairspray for the Co Q!