02/21/2023 - den - Mardi Gras Fun
AO: The Den
When: 02/21/2023
QIC: Shrinky Dink
Number of Pax: 4
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Foster, Whole Coconut, Megaphone, and me
With this being a break week I wasn’t sure who would show, so I was glad to see 3 folks this morning to help me celebrate Mardi Gras, aka Fastnacht Day, or Pancake Day, or just the plain ol’ Fat Tuesday. I even had some Munchkins to snack on at the end!
We warmed up with some stretches, arm circles, jogging in place, etc as I explained the Thang.
The Thang – I assigned exercises to fun Mardi Gras-related things and because today was the 21st, the rep count was 21. Today is also Alan Rickman’s birthday (he played Professor Snape in the Harry Potter movies) so one of the things had Snape’s name on it. I wrote out the items on slips of paper and placed them in a bucket several parking spaces down the lane where we usually set up. Each item was written 3 times so I kept the reps to singles knowing we’d likely be repeating some (and we did!). We each took turns running to get the next slip of paper when we finished the exercise.
Snape – Paincakes (today is Pancake Day so I had to add these in somehow, and Snape would want the torture to be slow and painful, so there ya go); we did reps of these to 7 because I had 3 chances this would get pulled from the bucket.
Beads – boy bands (aka pick me ups) – had to practice picking up our beads off the ground
Floats – squats
Parade – for this we ran in a single file line pretending to throw beads as we went.
Beignets – side crunches (we switched sides half way through rep count)
Masks – upright rows
Purple (one of the 3 colors of Mardi Gras and it represents justice) – Gun show (switched half way through reps)
Green (another color and it represents faith) – torso twists in the shape of the cross; we did this one 3 times and we were hating it each time! So we held one weight between our hands, starting with it down in front, raised it up, then turned to one side, then the other side, and then back down.
Gold (this last color represents Power) – Overhead Press
King Cake – clock lunges (we went around 4 times)
Rex (means “King”) – Whole Coconut drew this twice and on this one, the person who drew it got to decide what the rest of the group would do exercise wise and then be excused from doing it. WC was kind, doing them with us, and we did deadbugs the first time and then the second time we did curtsy lunges (singles).
I enjoyed putting this one together and I know we will be feeling those torso twist crosses later! Live it up today ladies!