01/15/2022 - foxtrot - MLK Timeline Amrap
AO: Foxtrot
When: 01/15/2022
QIC: Semper Fi
Number of Pax: 6
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Chocolate Chip, Smooth Operator, Straight Shooter, Love, Foster, Semper Fi
Today marks the birth of Martin Luther King Jr. We celebrated him by doing a timeline Amrap. 5 lovely ladies joined me on a cold chilly morning to get it done. Initially I thought it was only going to be 3 of us. A few more ladies started to show and we were so happy to see Chocolate Chip rolling in. Welcome back CC!
We did a quick warm up and on to the Thang ~
We had 4 Amrap sets. Each one represented a year in MLKs life. We did each one for 10 minutes.
1929 – MLK was born. 19 thrusters, 2 inchworms, 9 merkins
1957 – MLK made the cover of Time Magazine for the 1st time. 19 curtsy lunges, 5 mat taps, 7 jump squats.
1963 – “I have a dream” speech. 19 BGS, 6 plank jacks, 3 in & outs.
1968 – MLK dies. 19 bicep curls, 6 hip dips, 8 plank knee to chest.
MLK was 39 years old when he was assassinated. The day before he died he gave his last speech called “I have reached the mountaintop”. In honor of that we did 39 (4 count) mountain climbers. Not all at once, I want people to come back when I Q. After each amrap we did 10, doing 9 with the last set. We also walked/ran a lap after each amrap.
We finished right on time, with a minute to spare to stretch it out.
Thanks for joining me this morning. Thanks for all the love and support. Thanks for all the chatter and laughs. My FiA girls mean the world to me.
Have a wonderful day ladies!