09/03/2020 - arena - National Coconut Day!

AO: The Arena

When: 09/03/2020

QIC: Seinfeld


Number of Pax: 7

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Mama Bear, Fonda, Arrows, Hairspray, Sugar Mama, Stitch, Seinfeld


In case you weren’t aware (and why would you be?), today is National Coconut Day! And since I can turn anything into a workout theme, we listened to some island tunes and did a coco-nutty workout 😛

Warmup: 10 Jumping Jax and 10 Windmills, both in cadence


We did 8 exercises. 6 rounds. Descending reps from 30-25-20-15-10-5. After each round we ran a small Arena lap. And yes, our exercises spelled COCONUT!

C – Crunches

O – Overhead Press

C – Curtsy Lunges

O – Out & Ins (they’re like In & Outs, only not different at all)

N – Narwhals

U – Upright Rows

T – Toy Soldiers

S – Squats

After all the round and the laps, we tried a song challenge I made up for the occasion.  To the sweet sounds of Lime in the Coconut, we repeated a right donkey kick, left donkey kick, right fire hydrant, left fire hydrant throughout the song. Then whenever you hear “coconut” do a push-up.  That’s a freakin’ long song by the way.

We finished up with a prayer for those suffering from Coronavirus….some specific folks who’ve had it and the kids who are having their school lives upended by it.

It was a fun (if a tad hot) day. Thanks ladies for joining me!



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