10/18/2022 - arena - October tabata
AO: The Arena
When: 10/18/2022
QIC: Hairspray
Number of Pax: 4
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Seinfield, foster, and step up
It was a beautiful day that got a little warning than expected while working out. I wanted to do some creative so I used the word October for inspiration. I found that the letters O and E don’t have a lot of exercise options so I had to get super creative! Before we jumped in, we warmed up with arm circles and windmills.
The thing!
Each letter was a total of 5 mins with 20 seconds on and 10 second rest.
O – one leg balance, one leg squat (figure 4), overhead press, one leg balance on other leg, one leg squat on other leg, repeat
C – crunches, Carolina dry docks, crab cake, curtsy lunges, crockpot squat, repeat
T – thread the needle right side, TTN left side, tricep kickbacks, triangle pushups, twist (standing ab twist), repeat
O – one arm front lateral raises, other arm lateral raises, O circle with legs, one arm wall push-up, other arm wall push up, repeat
B – bear squats, bgs, box cutters, burpees, bicycle, repeat
E – #8 quick feet, elbow to knee, elbow plank, elevated squats, elevated pushups
R – raggedy Ann’s, renegade rows right, then left, rosalitas, Russian twists
We ran short on time so we only did E and R once.
Thanks ladies for joining me!