07/14/2021 - mill - Pandemonium at the Mill

AO: The Mill
When: 07/14/2021
QIC: Inspector Gadget
Number of Pax: 7
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Prada, Pilgrim, Bravo, Mellie, Smokey, Tazer, Inspector Gadget
A total of 7 PAX got up early this morning to get in a workout at the Mill. Prada met me early for a 3 mile pre-beatdown walk & Pilgrim ran during the beatdown since she was planning to go to the Arena later today too getting in 4 miles while the rest of the PAX joined me for some pandemonium.
We started with a quick warm-up of Arm Circles forward, Arm Circles Backward, Toy Soldiers (IC) & Through the Tunnels (IC). Our Thang today was a mash up of various routines. To add to the chaos of all the counting, routine changes & no board, we did 3 Burpees anytime the song changed. We completed the following routines & 5 laps around the parking lot.
- Catch Me if You Can with 5 Jump Squats
- Joan of Arms (Around the Worlds & Bicep Curls; 1:4 to 5:20) then Run
- ALARM (14 reps; Overhead Press, Lunges (total), American Pie Sit-ups, Run & Monkey Humpers)
- Captain Thor (Big Girl Sit-Ups & Russian Twists; 1:4 to 5:20) then Run
- Sleep Walkers (Squats, Toe Touches & Walking Lunges; 1:2:3 to 5:10:30) then Run
- London Bridge (Song Challenge to Fergy’s song with glute bridges) then Run
- BLIMPS (5 Burpees, 10 Lunges (Reverse/Total), 15 Imperial Walkers (total), 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks, 30 Squats)
Exercise Totals:
- 72 Squats
- 60 Bicep Curls
- 60 Russian Twists
- ~50 Glute Bridges + 5 Glute Bridge Holds
- 35 Burpees
- 32 Toe Touches
- 26 Sit-Ups
- 25 Plank Jacks
- 20 Merkins
- 15 Imperial Walkers
- 14 Overhead Press
- 14 Monkey Humpers
- 12 Around the Worlds
- 1-1.25 Miles
We finished all the routines & ended with a little light stretching, COT & NOR.