07/30/2021 - foxtrot - Parking Space Timer

AO: Foxtrot

When: 07/30/2021

QIC: Partly Cloudy


Number of Pax: 11

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Bourbon, Shrinky Dink, Semper Fi, Smooth Operator, Wonder Woman, Dr. Doolittle, The Viking, Wonderland, Notteley, Sweet Tea


It was the last Thursday before school starts back.  11 PAX arrived at Foxtrot, thankful for the last week of calm before the storm.  We warmed up with Michael Phelps, Arm circles, stretches, Windmills in cadence, Toy Soldiers in cadence, and a big lap around the lot.

I demonstrated our 8 moves for the morning and we got to work.  Everyone picked a parking space and started with the exercise on the cone.  I set a Tabata timer for 45 seconds.  We rotated clockwise around the parking spaces doing all 8 exercises.  Then we ran a big lap.
We repeated the Tabata, this time doing each exercise for 60 seconds.  We rotated around again until everyone did each of the 8.  Then we ran another big lap.
We repeated it a third time, this time for 75 seconds each.  This took us right to 6:15!

Our 8 exercises were:

Side step squat thrusters

Reverse grip rows

Pivot Squat, Pivot Side Lunge

Isometric Bicep Curls

Weighted Side Bends

Bear squat zebra kids kicks

Scarecrow Around the Worlds

Single Leg Dead Lifts

As soon as we finished the 75 second timer round, we gathered for a picture.  We were lurking in the shadows, so we PIVOTed around to get a better, prettier pic.  We circled up, prayed, and did our name-o-Rama.  It was awesome to have Sweet Tea with us!  Thanks for joining me ladies!


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