07/24/2023 - arena - Picked from the list

AO: The Arena

When: 07/24/2023

QIC: Hairspray


Number of Pax: 5

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

VonTrap, step up, foster, gondola


After taking two weeks for some self care, I came back ready to lead! Except for the coughing, it was great! Haha (cough cough) I  thumbed through the lexicons to do something I have not done and I picked, short, longer, longest!

First we warmed up, did a lap, and jumped in!

Each round had three exercises, a 30 sec, 45 sec, and a 1 min. Then we ran/walked a lap.

R1 – bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, and plank

R2- calf raises, narrow squats, and alternate lunges

R3- crunches, penguins, bgs

R4- push ups, angry donkey kicks or bear squats, and downward dog

R5- imperial walkers, dead lifts, and wall sit

We had just a few minutes left so we did one more round where each person picked one off the board and we did it for 30 secs each.
We did COT and names!


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