11/02/2021 - den - Pyramid of Pain
AO: The Den
When: 11/02/2021
QIC: Semper Fi
Number of Pax: 7
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Wonderland, Spartan, Smooth Operator, Straight Shooter, Dr Doolittle, Chocolate Chip, Semper Fi
I had not been to a beatdown since last week Wednesday, so today we were going to work. Thanks ladies for showing up and putting in that work with me this morning!
We warmed up with some neck and arm circles. Some hip rotations, stretching, and TTT (IC).
The Thang ~
This morning we did the Pyramid of Pain. We started on the bottom and worked our way up to the top. The left side of the pyramid had the rep/set count and the right side had the number of laps. The laps we ran were a medium size parking lot lap. (started from our usual spot, ran to the end, around 2 islands and back.)
Level 1: 25 each Merkins, Squats, BGSUs, Reverse flys, Side lunges – 5 laps
Level 2: 30 each Side extensions, In & Outs, Mtn climbers, Curtsy lunges – 4 laps
Level 3: 40 each OHP, Glute bridges, Russian twists – 3 laps
Level 4: 50 each LBCs, Tricep extensions – 2 laps
Level 5: 100 Hallelujahs – 1 lap
During level 3 we shortened to the lap a bit to save some time. With 5 minutes left most of us were on level 4 so I told Pax to finish it out with out the last few laps so that we could hit the hallelujahs.
It was a great calorie burn of a workout. Almost 500 calories burned.
We circled up for CoT and picture. We prayed for our families and for the ladies in the race this weekend. We hope for a safe trip for them all. Run long and healthy ladies! We’re so proud of you!
Have a wonderful day ladies. I always love to start your day with you!