07/15/2021 - foxtrot - Rainy Day Workout

AO: Foxtrot

When: 07/15/2021

QIC: Trail Mix


Number of Pax: 4

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Tex Mex, Love, Journal, Trail Mix


We moved the workout to the tennis courts with the unpredictable weather today.

We warmed up with some arm circles, torso twists, Michael Phelps, and stretches.

The Thang:
We did 4 cycles for each round of exercises. Work for 1 minute and rest for 15 seconds.

Cycle 1

Step up on bench (1 leg)

squat pulses

step up on bench (other leg)

squat pulses

Cycle 2

Tricep kick backs/dips

bench pushups


Cycle 3

stand leg lifts to the side

One legged dead lifts

repeat with other leg

Cycle 4


side dips with weights


After completing all 4 cycles we ran and lap and did the whole thing again. We finished with a final lap, stretching, and COT.

Thank you ladies for coming out tonight even with the questionable weather!




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