06/08/2021 - den - Road trip on Route 66 (with Pitstops)
AO: The Den
When: 06/08/2021
QIC: Semper Fi
Number of Pax: 18
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Honey Crisp, Straight Shooter, Whole Coconut, Smooth Operator, Golden Rule, Shrinky Dink, Very Berry, Partly Cloudy, Mater, Megaphone, Goldie, Killa, Anchor, Choo Choo, Dr. Doolittle, Spartan, Forte
It’s always a good day when you start your day at the Den! It was warm and humid, and threatening to rain. But the rain held off for us to get our workout done. 17 other amazing ladies came out to join me this morning, but more importantly; to celebrate Mater! Happy Birthday Mater!!
We warmed up with all my standard joint rotations; arms, shoulders, neck and hips. Leg swings, stretching, and TTT (IC).
The Thang
Road trip on Route 66. A Route 66 consists of 11 stops, usually a light post or cone, and you increase the reps at each stop. We started with star jumps. Run to the first light post and do 1 star jump, 2nd light post do 2 star jumps and so on for all 11. Our route was a complete large circle of the student parking lot but that only was 10 light posts, so I made the 11th at our mats.
At our mats after the first lap we had a “pitstop” of a mat exercise. Today Mater was turning 37 so that was our rep count. 1st exercise on the mat was LBCs. Then on to the next Route 66. We did a total of 4 this morning.
Route 1: Star jumps
Pitstop: 37 LBCs
Route 2: Carolina dry docks
Pitstop: 37 Bicep curls
Route 3: Squat jacks (or Smurf jacks)
Pitstop: 37 Rotating squat to OHP
Route 4: Plank jacks
Pitstop: 37 side raises
We finished just in time with a few minutes to spare. We cooled down with OYO stretching.
We circled up for COT and picture, and to sing Happy Birthday! Those of us that could stay enjoyed some coffee, snacks, and muffins with the birthday girl. Then the rain hit and we were off to start our days!