02/28/2023 - den - Road Tripping
AO: The Den
When: 02/28/2023
QIC: Semper Fi
Number of Pax: 12
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Wonder Woman, Straight Shooter, Aquamarine, Bells, Foster, Partly Cloudy, Spartan, Dr Doolittle, Choo Choo, Chocolate Chip, Cherry Vanilla, Semper Fi
This morning at the Den we took a road trip. Route 66. It was a crisp cool morning, hinting that Spring is around the corner.
Road trip on Route 66. A Route 66 consists of 11 stops, usually a light post or cone, and you increase the reps at each stop. But this morning we did 10 because I miscounted my cones. We started with star jumps. Run to the first light post and do 1 star jump, 2nd light post do 2 star jumps and so on for all 10. Our route was a complete large circle of the student parking lot.
At our mats after the first lap we had a “pitstop” where you did an exercise. Today was the 28th so we did 28 reps/sets. 1st exercise on the mat was LBCs. Then on to the next Route 66. We did a total of 4 this morning.
1. Star jumps
Pit stop: lbc
2. Monkey humpers
Pit stop: Bicep curl
3. Curb push-ups
Pit stop: Russian twists
4. Hillbillies
Pit stop: Lat arm raises
After we finished up our 4 routes, we did a Squat Sally song challenge. And then a few 1 min abs.
Have a great day ladies!