07/29/2020 - arena - Run the bases

AO: The Arena

When: 07/29/2020

QIC: Hairspray


Number of Pax: 9

Number of FNGS: 3

Pax Names:

Kodak, Canon, Seinfeld, Sweet mama, Keys, FNG’s Coco, Red Clay, and Arrows.


A baseball themed workout to honor the season! 9 PAX showed up at the arena, 3 were FNG’s, to run the bases with a twist!
first we warmed up with jumping jacks!

The Thang

we rolled the dice to see what base  we run to. once you roll, run to that base do the work out and then run back to home base and roll again. Roll a  1 = first base, 2= second base, 3 = third base, 4 = home base ( run all the bases and do the workout at home base), 5 = grand slam (so each base exercise), 6 = Strike out (5 burpees). We did four – 9 Min rounds with all exercises at 30 reps except the burpees.

r1 – 1st base Angry donkey kicks, 2nd base bicep curls to overhead press, 3rd base lunges, (4) home base BGS with Russian twist.
r2 – 1 shoulder taps, 2 around the world with tricep  ext, 3 sumo squats, 4 flutter kicks.

r3 – 1 monkey humpers, 2 dead lifts to bent over rows, 3 curtsy lunges, 4 glute bridges.

r4 – 1 Mountain climbers, 2 kangaroos, 3 side lunges, 4 Leg lifts with a pulse up.

We finished with cot and nameorama! We named our FNG’s! Thanks for coming!


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