04/21/2023 - rock - Short, longer, longest

AO: The Rock

When: 04/21/2023

QIC: Texmex


Number of Pax: 6

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Love, Cookie Monster, Straight Shooter, Back in Black, Cheerio


Short, longer, longest


30 seconds on 10 seconds rest

Merkins, Jump Squats, Imperial walkers, lat dips, froggers, bear squats, scarecrow, front raises

5 min curb appeal

5 dips, 5 toe taps, 5 sit squat


45 second on 10 second rest

OHP, monkey humpers, penguins, around the world, Carolina dry dock, calf raises, skull crushers, reverse crunch

5 min curb appeal

5 dips, 5 toe taps, 5 sit squat


1 min on 10 second rest

Reverse bicep curl, squat, Russian twist, fly, deadlift, chicken wings, chair sit, skaters

5 min curb appeal

5 dips, 5 toe taps, 5 sit squat


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