03/21/2022 - arena - Spring Tabata

AO: The Arena

When: 03/21/2022

QIC: Paperback


Number of Pax: 9

Number of FNGS: 1

Pax Names:

Hairspray, Compass, Van Goh, Von Trapp, Snooki, Dumplin, Seinfeld, Pretzel (FNG), Paperback


Thank you for joining me on this beautiful and sunny SPRING morning! We warmed up quickly with this Tabata workout. We completed 3 flowers (arms, legs, and abs) that spelled out S-P-R-I-N-G. We did 20 seconds on/10 seconds rest for 3 rounds around each flower and a run/walk lap between. 

Arms- Scarecrows, Praises (hallelujahs), Reverse Flys, Inch Worms, kNockouts, Gun Shows

Legs- Sumo Squats, Pliat Squats, Rainbows, Inward Calf Raises, Narwhals, Gorilla Combo (left back lunge, right back lunge, squat)

Abs- Scissors, Penguins, Russian Twists, Imperial Walkers, Negative Sit-ups (hold weight to chest and go very slowly), Glute Bridge March

We didn’t have time for the Super 21’s.. maybe another day 🙂

We circled up for COT, NOR, and named our FNG “Pretzel” before heading out to enjoy the rest of the day!


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