07/28/2021 - arena - Station rotation

AO: The Arena

When: 07/28/2021

QIC: Hairspray


Number of Pax: 5

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Rook, step up, Cali, sunny


Another lift workout success! We had 4 stations within a different tire of exercise at each one. Everyone started at a different station with the exception of Cali and Sunny, who were at the same station since I had more people than stations. Each station would be 1 minute amrap with 15 second rest to transfer to the next station. We rotated through the stations two times for each round. One station  had 20lb sandbags. Another one has dumbbell weights in 5, 8 and 10. Another had mats and a 10lb ball or 10lb dumbbells. Another had resistance bands.


squats with sandbags

dead lifts to bent over row

glute bridge hold with chest press

overhead push (bands)


lunge pulse with sandbags

bicep curls to overhead press to and the worlds going down only. Repeat.


lateral pulls forward and back


curtsy lunge with sandbags

Wood chop

russian twist

Chest pull with bands

We were sweating like crazy! I know I am feeling it today. Thanks ladies for joining me! Cot and names!



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