06/08/2023 - mill - Straight Sets
AO: The Mill
When: 06/08/2023
QIC: HomeGoods
Number of Pax: 8
Number of FNGS: 1
Pax Names:
Homegoods, Minnie, Day Break, Tippy Toes, Jet Setter, Mermaid, Capri and Tequila (FNG)
Went for an upper body workout today, Straight Set with Ab Finisher
5 minute warmup
- W/Y Curl (8 reps x 3)
- Bent Over Row (12 reps x 3)
- I-Y-T (8 reps x 3)
- Tricep Overhead Extension (12 reps x 3)
- Bicep 21’s (x3)
- Tricep Extension Behind Knees (10 reps x 3)
- Plank with Row/Dumbell, Alt Hands (10 reps x 3)
Transition to Abs…
1 minute bent arm weight hold rotation
20 weighted side bends each side
Standing Ab Finisher (40sec on/20sec off):
-Knees up, 3 each side alternate
-Twist to knee then straight arm to leg (alternate sides)
-High Knees
-Raise knee to side then rotate opposite elbow to knee
-” ” Other side