04/08/2023 - foxtrot - Sunshine under the Pavilion
AO: Foxtrot
When: 04/08/2023
QIC: Semper Fi
Number of Pax: 9
Number of FNGS: 1
Pax Names:
Sourdough, Inspector Gadget, Love, Wonder Woman, Bridesmaid, Straight Shooter, Chocolate Chip, FNG Strider, Semper Fi
This morning because of the weather I choose a no mat Tabata. We did take opportunities in between the rain clouds to run a lap occasionally. Halfway through we stopped to do a Sally squat challenge. And the last few minutes Straight Shooter ran us through the arm routine introduced to us by Rock Star, since I couldn’t remember them all. It was a dreary morning. But we made each laugh constantly and it was nothing but smiles. Oh and the occasional mumble chatter ????Our FNG was brought to us by Soursough, she is her sister law in town for a visit. She plans to locate a FiA region near her when she returns home!
our Tabata: 45 sec on 15 sec off. We got through 2x.
Squat with front raise
raggedy anns
star jumps
Bicep curls
overhead press
Tricep ext
overhead circles
Lunge with weight over head hold
High knees
jump squats
calf raises
standing chest fly
Squat pulses
hammer curls
gun show
figure 8 squats
curtsy lunge to side leg lift
Step ups
Split squats
Y raises