12/01/2022 - cubhouse - Tabata Burn
AO: The Cub House
When: 12/01/2022
QIC: Spartan
Number of Pax: 5
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Chocolate Chip, Hallmark,, Partly Cloudy, Caliente, Spartan
Four beautiful ladies joined me on a chilly morning to start December off right! We didn’t stay cold for long. We got right into the tabata fun!
The exercise was 1 minute long with 10 seconds rest. Every 3 rounds we ran a lap.
Rounds 1-3
Bent over rows
Push ups
Lower around the worlds
Spider Man’s
Rounds 4-6
Frog Pumps
Weighted Crunch
Bicep curl to overhead press
Rounds 7-9
Plank to frogger
Squat to press
4 mountain climbers plus 4 shoulder taps
glute bridge with chest press
We didn’t quite make it through the entire workout, but we still had a good calorie burn.
Thanks again ladies!!