04/12/2021 - union - Tabata Time

AO: The Union

When: 04/12/2021

QIC: Greyhound


Number of Pax: 4

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Killa, Mater, Hallmark, and Guac


It’s always hard to get back to the normal grind especially after spring break, but 4 ladies joined me before the sunrise ready to work! I tried to take a break from our usual weights and counting with a Tabata style beatdown. All we needed was a mat and a positive attitude. My watch said we burned 506 calories in 46 minutes so I’d say it was a success! Quick warmup with jacks, high knees and through the tunnels. Then 2 quick laps.


The Thang:

I set a workout timer for 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.

We did all the exercises straight through 4 times (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off) then jogged a long lap after rounds 1 and 2.


Round 1: ARMS


Triceps Dips on Curb

Shoulder Taps

Up Down Plank



Round 2: LEGS

Fast Feet

Jump Squat

Right Lunge Jump

Left Lunge Jump

Squat in and out


Round 3: ABS

Russian Twist


Right Heel touch

Left Heel touch

Flutter Kicks


We ended on our mats and some on our knees which seemed like the perfect position for COT and prayer. We lifted up a friend with addiction, wisdom for a mama, and thanks for our extra time with families during break. It’s such a blessing to be a part of this community of strong, joyful, beautiful mamas.


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