07/01/2023 - grove - Tabata timers times two
AO: The Grove
When: 07/01/2023
QIC: Shrinky Dink
Number of Pax: 3
Number of FNGS: 1
Pax Names:
Spartan, Starfish (FNG), and me!
Knowing some of our regulars would be out of town, I figured we’d have a small number. I was thrilled to meet Elliana, a friend of Spartan’s who decided to join us. We warmed up with some arm circles and stretches and then TTT IC.
The Thang – I liked Straight Shooter’s 6-minute Tabata alternating high knees with different ab exercises. So I borrowed that to help us get our heart rates up. The Abs included Russian twists, leg lifts, box cutters, BGSUs, starfish, and In and Outs.
We then moved on to the next Tabata which was broken into different rounds – arms, legs, and Abs. We did the exercise for 50 seconds with 10 seconds between to switch to the next exercise. In between rounds we ran to the stop sign and back. The rounds included:
arms – upright rows, tricep kickbacks, OH press, bicep curls, Moroccan night clubs
legs – donkey kicks (switched legs halfway thru), fire hydrants (same thing), scissors, imperial walkers, standing leg lifts ballet style
abs – LBCs, bourbons, reverse crunches, leg lifts, and bicycles.
we still had a few minutes left after a couple times through the Tabata, so we went back and did a bag of arms round. We then circled up and named our FNG – welcome Starfish!!