07/30/2021 - hideout - Take it to the Curb!

AO: The Hideout
When: 07/30/2021
QIC: Journey
Number of Pax: 11
Number of FNGS: 0
Pax Names:
Raptor, Blessing, True Crime, Zzz’s, Lake Life, Hot Rod, Kona, Hat Trick, Fancy Boots, Journey, Pilgrim
Been having a week!! So waking up to workout with these wonderful ladies was just what I needed.
After a quick run through of the workout we got right to it:
Step Ups – 25 each side
Step Up Kickbacks – 25 each leg
Step Lunges – 25 each leg
Calf Raises – 25
———RUN/WALK 2 Laps———
Plank Leg Raises – 25 each leg
Curb Push Ups – 25
Tricep Dips – 25
Shoulder Taps – 25 sets
———RUN/WALK 2 Laps———
Most ladies completed 2 rounds, but Pilgrim and True Crime are Beasts (in a good way of course, lol) as they completed 3 rounds!!
COT was next as well as name-o-rama, photo and quick reminder announcement of tonight’s family ruck.
Thank you ladies you truly make my days better!!