01/05/2020 - pack - The Pack is Running into the 20’s!

AO: The Pack

When: 01/05/2020

QIC: Whole Coconut


Number of Pax: 5

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Chinchilla, Rise Up, Inspector Gadget, Partly Cloudy


The first Sunday long run of the new decade was a success! It was chilly, but plenty of smiles were there to warm it up!!

Since the sun is still late to rise, we stuck to the lots at The Den and got between 3 and 6 miles each! Rise Up and Inspector Gadget looked strong with their rucks and new kicks. Chinchilla continues to be the runner I wanna be when I grow up as she looked effortless. Partly Cloudy inspired me today as she rallied despite some early tummy warnings and looked like a champ mowing down the miles in her new kicks!!

Each PAX found her stride and despite a little lingering holiday hangover, W30/food detox side effects, low energy, or just cold weather we all put our best effort out there and got better together!

I am super excited for the miles and smiles to come in 2020!

Found change: $0.01

Piles of miles : 20+ for the group collective today!


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