03/07/2023 - rock - Total Body AMRAP

AO: The Rock

When: 03/07/2023

QIC: Bridesmaid


Number of Pax: 7

Number of FNGS: 0

Pax Names:

Semper Fi, Rockstar, Straight Shooter, Banana Bread, Very Berry, Tex Mex, Bridesmaid


It’s warming up! Well, at least this week is! The girls stretched and ran a lap while I set up because I was coming in hot! After stretching out our arms and legs, we got right into the first list of exercises focusing on abs.

Core AMRAP (10 minutes)

-20 Russian Twists

-20 BGS

-20 side-to-side heel touches

-20 dead bugs 

-20 LBCs

After each set of exercises we ran/walked a lap.

Upper Body AMRAP (10 minutes)

-10 bicep curls

-10 pushups 

-10 dead lifts

-10 upright rows

-10 skull crushers

*Ran/walked a lap

Lower Body AMRAP (10 minutes)

-10 squats

-10 donkey kicks (each side)

-10 lunges (each side)

The group was able to do the AMRAP two full times, and then the third time we skipped the laps and got through it one more time completely. Basically, we are rockstars!

We stretched out those muscles again, then circled up for prayers and praises. It was a great night to be outside with the girls!


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